There are nine seats on the Austin Independent School District School Board, and four are up for general election on November 5th, 2024. Early voting begins October 21st to November 1st. You can vote at any polling loction in Austin, i.e. Travis County.
Two candidates are running uncontested in District 3 and 5, while District 2 has two candidates running and the at-large position has six candidates running. Currently all the candidates except for two, have confirmed attendence at the Candidate Forum on October 20, 2024, hosted by the LASA PTSA, in the library at 1012 Arthur Stiles Road.
Not sure of who represents you or what trustee district you live in? Click HERE to find out.
*have not yet RSVPed
The Trustee Candidate Forum is hosted by the LASA PTSA, Parent Teacher Student Association at LASA High School. Please contact this group if you have a question by sending an email to A parent volunteer will work to respond in a timely manner.
The forum is non-partisan event, free and open to the public. No campaign materials may be used/shown the event itself and no expression of support or opposition may be displayed by members of the audience.

2022 Candidate Forum
Candidates were asked to provide a written response to these questions,
Click on picture to the left to see the 2022 candidate responses.
Five of the nine seat on the Austin Independent School Board are up for general election on November 8, 2022. All Candidates were invited and asked to respond in written form to the following:
Brief Bio
Q1 As a school board members, how would you respond to the efforts of special interest groups who advocate the censor of existing curriculum perceived by them to be in conflict with their personal beliefs? We ask candidates to address this generally and specifically as it relates to advanced coursework such as AP, Dual Credit and IB?
Q2 What role do you believe school choice and special programming has within Austin ISD?
Q3 As a school board member how do you balance the needs of serving the community in your elected district and supporting the needs of a district as a whole.